This YouTube video shows the first steps a user with a computer and internet connection can use to build a basic website using WordPress. The man in the video tutorial is very specific on how to use WordPress to make a website. He goes step-by-step on what to do. He starts with creating the theme of the website after downloading WordPress onto the site. He shows the user how to do each step by showing where they will go in their files, and what they will be looking for when it comes to each part of the design.

Do you have any advanced questions about how to set up a WordPress website that you need answers to? Leave us a comment in the comments section below or speak with us about setting up a one-on-one consultation for your business.

Post By LavaLink (46 Posts)

LavaLink is an award-winning, premium WordPress design and web marketing company. Bootstrapped and built in the trenches, LavaLink teaches designers, small businesses and entrepreneurs a results-by-design approach to marketing their business online.

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