More often than not, SEO professionals describe the Google+ search algorithm as rudimentary mostly because it involves a simple text match on the result query. The problem with this resides in the fact that at times, the search does not take the context into account and hence, the chances of getting irrelevant results are rather high.

The issue with the Google+ search function is that the content on the profiles of the users that you have in your circles has priority. Considering that the results are based on the number and type of people you have in the Google+ circles, this approach is restrictive. On the other hand, you have to admit that the amount of spam you will notice in the search query is also limited.

Moreover, these glitches will most likely be addressed by incorporating automatic filters for the circles. Therefore, if a person were to type ‘flowers’ in the search query, then it would be interpreted as being about flowers and Google would personalize the results based on the Gardeners circle for instance. Besides, the Google+ search provides several powerful SEO tools to boost your ranking as you are about to find out.

+1 Button

The role of the +1 button is to introduce content into the Google+ circles, which will later on appear in the search results. Basically, Google considered that instead of showing you the number of users that have liked certain content, they should leverage the data and are currently using it to deliver personalized results. At this point, you might be asking yourself how this is relevant to you. The answer is that more +1s have a higher potential of driving traffic. Consequentially, the function is vital for companies that want to draw attention via the Google+ profile.

Promote customer engagement

Because the +1 button can be interpreted as a sign of social recognition, it means that it can lead to user engagement, especially if you appeal to the right audience and provide the appropriate content. It is necessary to mention that there is no formula for success in this direction and that the best first-time approach is to post content for the general public. In case you are sharing the content within your circles, then you are practically limiting other users who might be interested in learning more about you. However, since your aim is to earn engagement, it is very important that you are aware and well documented on the content you post.

It is equally important that you keep track and regularly respond to users who are interested in your content and leave comments on a constant basis. Essentially, you could add these users into a circle and share information that they are interested in. The most likely outcome is that you will cultivate engagement. In fact, if you get a +1 and a valuable comment then you should reply using their @name and add them to your circle. Speaking of adding users to your circles, you should create a group in your area of expertise. Even though there are little chances they will follow your posts, the truth is that you have a great opportunity to check out their content and create a more professional image.

Post By LavaLink (46 Posts)

LavaLink is an award-winning, premium WordPress design and web marketing company. Bootstrapped and built in the trenches, LavaLink teaches designers, small businesses and entrepreneurs a results-by-design approach to marketing their business online.

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