Quick Online Tips provides this very useful article on the 10 best Twitter tools to use for WordPress. Integrating your WordPress marketing approach across multiple communication channels such as social media, your IRL network, e-mail lists, affiliates, etc. is essential for any blogger and Twitter is no exception.

10 WordPress plugins for Twitter

Basically the article consists of 10 different plugins, tools, and widgets that can help promote a WordPress blog on Twitter. Each one such as Wickett Twitter Widget has description for what it does on each site. They also linked each tool to the site where it can be downloaded or to learn more information about it.

In particular we have been using the Twitter Tools widget for sometime as it includes useful auto-features, such as auto-tweeting when a new blog post is published and the ability to add a Twitter community box, useful hash tags, and more. If you only choose one Twitter plugin for WordPress, that would be the one, but all of them are worth looking into.

Any questions or comments about using Twitter or social media plugins for WordPress? Drop us a note in the comment box below.

Post By LavaLink (46 Posts)

LavaLink is an award-winning, premium WordPress design and web marketing company. Bootstrapped and built in the trenches, LavaLink teaches designers, small businesses and entrepreneurs a results-by-design approach to marketing their business online.

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